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Corral #14
Western Wagons Equestrian Trails Inc.
Corral #14, a covered wagon train organization, was formed in 1967 by q group of folks who wanted to recreate the trail of the first pioneer families to cross Death Valley in search of the California gold fields. It was supposed to be a short cut. Our wagon group consists of horses mules, ponies, riders, drivers, and walkers. We participate in wagon trains all over the west and were part of the California's Sesquicentennial Celebration.
President Jeanette Hayhurst
760-953-8520 jethayhurst@gmail.com
Vice President Katie Christman
661-824-2609 ckmoonraker@earthlink.net
Secretary Linda Elder
Treasurer Sue Alcott Martzolf
760-662-6102 sue.a.mart14@gmail.com
We invite you to join us: Family membership is $70, Single membership is $45 includes $10/person for Insurance.
Call for an application.